the magic behind our Alchemy dream
when you support Alchemy, you are supporting the magic behind our dream. we couldn't do it without these special individuals. please learn more about them below

Amanda | Boulder Manager
Boulder, CO

Chelsea | Alchemist
Boulder, CO

Gigi | First Impressionist
Boulder, CO

Isabel | First Impressionist
Boulder, CO

Kristy | Alchemist
Boulder, CO

Meag | Lead Alchemist
Boulder, CO

Mel | Lead Educator
Alchemy Face Bar

Morgan | First Impressionist
Boulder, CO

Taryn | Alchemist
Boulder, CO

Taylor | Alchemist
Boulder, CO

Aeryal | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Allie| Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Angela | Lead Alchemist + Cosmetic Injector
Cherry Hills, CO

Anna | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Baylee | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Kirsten | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Mel | Lead Educator
Alchemy Face Bar

Michelle | Cosmetic Injector
Alchemy Face Bar

Sami | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Sandy | Cherry Hills Manager
Cherry Hills, CO

Shai | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Austin | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Bri | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Chelsea | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Erin | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Gabby | First Impressionist
Hale, CO

Lani | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Lauree | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Anja | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Anne Marie | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Bridget | First Impressionist
Highlands, CO

Darrian | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Felix | First Impressionist
Highlands, CO

Giselle | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Holly | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Maggie | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Mandy | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Morgan | Cosmetic Injector
Highlands, CO

Sam | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Star | Lead Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Betsy | Manager + Marketing
Dallas, TX

Courtney | Cosmetic Injector
Dallas, TX

Fantasia | Lead Alchemist + Cosmetic Injector
Dallas, TX

Gabby | Alchemist
Dallas, TX

Morissa | Alchemist
Dallas, TX

Myleigh | Lead First Impressionist
Dallas, TX

Renee | Alchemist
Dallas, TX

Suzana | Alchemist + Creative Content Coodinator
Dallas, TX

Angela | Lead Alchemist + Cosmetic Injector
Alchemy Face Bar

Ashley | Regional Lead + Cosmetic Injector
Alchemy Face Bar

Brit | Lead Alchemist + Cosmetic Injector
Hale, CO

Courtney | Cosmetic Injector
Dallas, TX

Fantasia | Lead Alchemist + Cosmetic Injector
Dallas, TX

Marlee | Lead Alchemist + Cosmetic Injector
Boulder, CO

Meag | Lead Alchemist + Cosmetic Injector
Boulder, CO

Michelle | Cosmetic Injector
Cherry Hills, CO

Morgan | Cosmetic Injector
Highlands, CO

Amanda | Boulder Manager
Boulder, CO

Betsy | Dallas Manager + Marketing Coordinator
Alchemy Face Bar

Bre | Founder
Alchemy Face Bar

Ciarra | Hale Manager
Hale | Denver, CO

Derby | Human Resources
Alchemy Face Bar

Holly | Director of Operations
Alchemy Face Bar

Mel | Lead Educator
Alchemy Face Bar

Sandy | Cherry Hills Manager
Cherry Hills, CO

Aeryal | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Allie | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Amanda | Boulder Manager
Boulder, CO

Angela | Lead Alchemist + Cosmetic Injector
Hale, CO

Anja | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Anna | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Anne Marie | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Ariana | Alchemist
Boulder, CO

Ashley | Regional Lead + Cosmetic Injector
Alchemy Face Bar

Austin | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Ayuna | Alchemist
Boulder, CO

Baylee | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Betsy | Dallas Manager + Marketing Coordinator
Alchemy Face Bar

Bre | Founder
Alchemy Face Bar

Bri | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Bridget | First Impressionist
Highlands, CO

Britanny | Lead Alchemist + Cosmetic Injector
Hale, CO

Catie | First Impressionist
Hale, CO

Chelsea | Alchemist
Boulder, CO

Chelsea | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Ciarra | Hale Manager
Hale, CO

Courtney | Cosmetic Injector
Dallas, TX

Danielle | Alchemist
Boulder, CO

Darrian | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Derby | Human Resources
Alchemy Face Bar

Erin | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Fantasia | Lead Alchemist + Cosmetic Injector
Dallas, TX

Felix | First Impressionist
Highlands, CO

Gabby | Alchemist
Dallas, TX

Gabby | First Impressionist
Hale, CO

Gigi | First Impressionist
Boulder, CO

Giselle | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Graycn | First Impressionist
Hale, CO

Holly E. | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Holly | Director of Operations
Alchemy Face Bar

Isabel | First Impressionst
Boulder, CO

Jen | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Jennifer | Alchemist
Dallas, TX

Jillian | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Kirsten | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Kristy | Alchemist
Boulder, CO

Laci | Highlands Manager
Highlands, CO

Laina | Alchemist
Dallas, TX

Lani | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Lauree | Alchemist
Hale, CO

Maggie | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Mandy | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Marlee | Lead Alchemist + Cosmetic Injector
Boulder, CO

Mauri | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Meag | Lead Alchemist + Cosmetic Injector
Boulder, CO

Mel | Lead Educator
Alchemy Face Bar

Michelle | Cosmetic Injector
Cherry Hills, CO

Morgan | Cosmetic Injector
Highlands, CO

Morgan | First Impressionist
Boulder, CO

Morissa | Alchemist
Dallas, TX

Myleigh | Lead First Impressionist
Dallas, TX

Sam | Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Sami W. | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Sandy | Cherry Hills Manager
Cherry Hills, CO

Shai | Alchemist
Cherry Hills, CO

Star | Lead Alchemist
Highlands, CO

Suzana | Alchemist + Creative Content Coordinator
Dallas, TX

Taryn | Alchemist
Boulder, CO

Tay | Regional Manager
Alchemy Face Bar, CO