Filler Treatment: Smile Lines (Nasolabial Folds)

The appearance of smile lines can be softened through injections of dermal fillers, which fill out the skin from inside. The goal of this treatment is to smooth out smile lines, leaving you looking younger and feeling refreshed.

How does the treatment work: Smile lines are treated with injections of dermal fillers. The filler is injected directly into the lines.

Who is a good candidate: Candidates for smile line treatments are women or men who are bothered by the appearance of their facial lines. If you have particularly deep skin folds around your mouth and wish they were not so prominent, a smile line treatment may be right for you.

Recovery: You can expect minor discomfort such as redness and swelling. These should dissipate within one to two days and can be camouflaged with make-up.

Results Last: 12-18 Months

Appointment Time: 45 minutes

Cost: $680 Per Syringe (1-2 Syringes per treatment)

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