Happy New Year and welcome to a new decade!
The new year is here and we all tend to look for ways to start fresh and become a new version of ourselves.
This decade we are trying to approach our day to day with something a little differently:
Let's start looking at bettering ourselves day to day, week to week or month to month with mini goals. This way you can break down your yearly goals without feeling like they are so out of reach. So let’s change the habits that are not serving us and create some positive and healthy new ones!
Here are a few goals that we have set for ourselves and a few tips on how to attain them:
Working Out - Give yourself a goal of twice a week and increase it once you have proven to make the change. It takes 21 days to form a habit, so give yourself some time to get there. Find a gym or a home routine that gets and keeps you motivated. We love Cross Fit Train, Ohana, Dailey Method (Boulder), Cyclebar & Shift Cycle. These are all women-owned and community-based companies!
Self Care - Take time for yourself and remember how important self care truly is for your head and heart. We (of course) love monthly facials to focus on our self care and beauty from the inside out. No matter what your version of self care is, just make it happen. The more you fill your own cup, the easier it is to fill the other people around you!
Time Management - Create a monthly calendar for yourself (and your family) to make sure you are able to reach your goals, have a clear vision of your time and also to give yourself a routine. We like to look at the year in quarters. This helps the year not seem like the goals are out of reach! (hint: read the 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran for inspo!)
Spiritual Well-Being - Choosing to focus on spiritual well-being by meditation, yoga, journaling, or helping others are all such wonderful ways that we believe in. Another one of our favorite ways to connect with our spiritual wellness is to get a reading from the one and only Ash of Cosmic Alchemy. She will read your cards, speak with your guides or gain insight from the cosmos about the time of your birth, your current situation, and what the planets are doing at this very moment. If this is something you have not tried, we highly recommend! (not in CO? She does readings out of state!)
Change is never easy. However, if we commit ourselves to growth we will have much more fulfillment in our everyday lives no matter what time of the year we begin!
From the Alchemy team to you, Happy New Year and Happy Growing!