The holiday cheer may be over, but that doesn't mean you need to lose your glow. Winter season is here and it is the perfect time to prep your skin for warmer and sunnier days ahead. During this season we love to incorporate peels into our monthly visits at Alchemy Face Bar. This dreary weather has us staying indoors, so why not make the most of this peel season? Follow along to learn more about which peel treatment is right for you!
What is a "peel"?
Okay, so what is it? Great question! Simply, a peel is just another word for chemical exfoliation.
At Alchemy Face Bar we have a wide range of peels. We have peels that provide a gentle boost of exfoliation; we also have peels that require 7 -10 days of downtime that show visible shedding. All of these are amazing, but selecting the right one for you is key!
Which peel is right for me?
Peels are treatment-oriented meaning they target specific skin issues you may have. Are you trying to maintain, prevent, or correct? Let's find out!
Light, superficial peels maintain happy and healthy skin when incorporated into regular monthly facials. These peels help to maintain healthy skin and sustain progress in achieving skin goals between preventive or corrective peel series. There is no downtime with these peels and are also great for people with sensitive skin.
These peels can be found in some of our facials or talk to your esthetician about adding a light peel (plant-based or medical-grade) to your next service.
Medical-grade peels can prevent damage, breakouts, and signs of aging when alternated with spa services. There is minimal downtime with mild flakiness in areas. These peels help to prevent texture from forming by gently dissolving dead skin cells. They also help prevent build-up of excess sebum that causes congestion breakouts. Say goodbye to dull skin, as these medical peels help prevent dullness with added hydration!
These medical peels can be booked as a Peel Glow + Go or try it in our seasonal winter peels Glow + Go combos.
Medium-depth peels can help correct signs of aging, sun damage and breakouts when done in a series. There are about 7 - 10 days of downtime with these peels as there is visible shedding of the skin. These peels can treat acne scars, pigmentation, and fine lines by reaching where the damage lives past the epidermis. These peels achieve the best results when completed in a series of treatments done 4 weeks apart.
These medium-depth peels can be booked as a VI Peel or try it in our seasonal winter peel!
Ready to peel this winter? Book your next peel for vibrant looking skin!